Vitamin Therapy


Feel Alive Again.

Have you been feeling stressed? Run down? Unmotivated? Not like yourself? We've got you covered. At Dermatology Care & Wellness, we are advocates for using naturopathic ways to heal the body. One of our favorites is vitamin therapy. Vitamin therapy is an awesome way to get a boost of supplements you may be missing. Unfortunately, the food we consume on a daily basis does not contain enough vitamins and minerals to sustain a healthy balance. Using vitamin therapy is a great way to make sure you are getting the supplements your body needs to function properly.
As always, we are here to help you be the best, healthiest version of yourself. If you have questions about vitamin therapy or would like to make an appointment, feel free to reach out to us via call (443-593-3021), text (443-488-4625), or email ( 

Want to learn more? Check out our website, where we have a complete list of vitamins and minerals we use in vitamin therapies, along with what they do for you. Click Here!


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